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Jdbc Driver Types

by curresengi1981 2021. 5. 13.

The driver is available at no additional charge and provides Java database connectivity from any Java application, application server, or Java-enabled applet. This driver is a Type 4 JDBC driver that provides database connectivity through the standard JDBC application program interfaces (APIs). 3) Type 3 JDBC Driver / Network Protocol Driver. 4) Type 4 JDBC Driver / Native Protocol Driver. 1) Type 1 JDBC Driver / JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver. Type 1 JDBC Drivers provide the bridge between JDBC and ODBC API and hence the name ‘JDBC-ODBC Bridge Drivers’. This type of drivers translate all JDBC calls into ODBC calls and sends them to ODBC driver which interacts with the database. These types of drivers are slowest of all types. A performance issue is seen as a JDBC call goes through the bridge to the ODBC driver, then to the database, and this applies even in the reverse process. They are the slowest of all driver types. A JDBC driver is a software component enabling a Java application to interact with a database. JDBC drivers are analogous to ODBC drivers, ADO.NET data providers, and OLE DB providers. To connect with individual databases, JDBC (the Java Database Connectivity API) requires drivers for each database.

What is JDBC Driver? JDBC drivers implement the defined interfaces in the JDBC API, for interacting with your database server. For example, using JDBC drivers enable you to open database connections and to interact with it by sending SQL or database commands then receiving results with Java. The 'type' refers to how the driver implements the API. The four types are: Type 1: JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver (Bridge) Type 2: Native-API/partly Java driver (Native) Type 3: AllJava/Net-protocol driver (Middleware) Type 4: All Java/Native-protocol driver (Pure) They will have different performance characteristics. See this link for a more detailed review.

(Redirected from JDBC)
Developer(s)Oracle Corporation
Stable release
Operating systemCross-platform
TypeData access API
WebsiteJDBC API Guide

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is an application programming interface (API) for the programming language Java, which defines how a client may access a database. It is a Java-based data access technology used for Java database connectivity. It is part of the Java Standard Edition platform, from Oracle Corporation. It provides methods to query and update data in a database, and is oriented towards relational databases. A JDBC-to-ODBC bridge enables connections to any ODBC-accessible data source in the Java virtual machine (JVM) host environment.

  • 4JDBC drivers

History and implementation[edit]

Sun Microsystems released JDBC as part of Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.1 on February 19, 1997.[1]Since then it has been part of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE).

The JDBC classes are contained in the Java packagejava.sql and javax.sql.

Jdbc Driver Types Does Sun Define

Starting with version 3.1, JDBC has been developed under the Java Community Process. JSR 54 specifies JDBC 3.0 (included in J2SE 1.4), JSR 114 specifies the JDBC Rowset additions, and JSR 221 is the specification of JDBC 4.0 (included in Java SE 6).[2]

JDBC 4.1, is specified by a maintenance release 1 of JSR 221[3] and is included in Java SE 7.[4]

Jdbc Driver Types

JDBC 4.2, is specified by a maintenance release 2 of JSR 221[5] and is included in Java SE 8.[6]

The latest version, JDBC 4.3, is specified by a maintenance release 3 of JSR 221[7] and is included in Java SE 9.[8]


JDBC ('Java Database Connectivity') allows multiple implementations to exist and be used by the same application. The API provides a mechanism for dynamically loading the correct Java packages and registering them with the JDBC Driver Manager. The Driver Manager is used as a connection factory for creating JDBC connections.

JDBC connections support creating and executing statements. These may be update statements such as SQL's CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE, or they may be query statements such as SELECT. Additionally, stored procedures may be invoked through a JDBC connection. JDBC represents statements using one of the following classes:

  • Statement – the statement is sent to the database server each and every time.
  • PreparedStatement – the statement is cached and then the execution path is pre-determined on the database server allowing it to be executed multiple times in an efficient manner.
  • CallableStatement – used for executing stored procedures on the database.

Update statements such as INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE return an update count that indicates how many rows were affected in the database. These statements do not return any other information.

Query statements return a JDBC row result set. The row result set is used to walk over the result set. Individual columns in a row are retrieved either by name or by column number. There may be any number of rows in the result set. The row result set has metadata that describes the names of the columns and their types.

There is an extension to the basic JDBC API in the javax.sql.

Jdbc Driver Download

JDBC connections are often managed via a connection pool rather than obtained directly from the driver.

Host database types which Java can convert to with a function
Oracle DatatypesetXXX() Methods


When a Java application needs a database connection, one of the DriverManager.getConnection() methods is used to create a JDBC connection. The URL used is dependent upon the particular database and JDBC driver. It will always begin with the 'jdbc:' protocol, but the rest is up to the particular vendor.

Starting from Java SE 7 you can use Java's try-with-resources statement to make the above code cleaner:

Once a connection is established, a statement can be created.

Note that Connections, Statements, and ResultSets often tie up operating system resources such as sockets or file descriptors. In the case of Connections to remote database servers, further resources are tied up on the server, e.g., cursors for currently open ResultSets.It is vital to close() any JDBC object as soon as it has played its part;garbage collection should not be relied upon.The above try-with-resources construct is a code pattern that obviates this.

Data is retrieved from the database using a database query mechanism. The example below shows creating a statement and executing a query.

An example of a PreparedStatement query, using conn and class from first example.

If a database operation fails, JDBC raises an SQLException. There is typically very little one can do to recover from such an error, apart from logging it with as much detail as possible. It is recommended that the SQLException be translated into an application domain exception (an unchecked one) that eventually results in a transaction rollback and a notification to the user.

An example of a database transaction:

For an example of a CallableStatement (to call stored procedures in the database), see the JDBC API Guide documentation.

JDBC drivers[edit]

JDBC drivers are client-side adapters (installed on the client machine, not on the server) that convert requests from Java programs to a protocol that the DBMS can understand.


Commercial and free drivers provide connectivity to most relational-database servers. These drivers fall into one of the following types:

  • Type 1 that calls native code of the locally available ODBC driver. (Note: In JDBC 4.2, JDBC-ODBC bridge has been removed[9])
  • Type 2 that calls database vendor native library on a client side. This code then talks to database over the network.
  • Type 3, the pure-java driver that talks with the server-side middleware that then talks to the database.
  • Type 4, the pure-java driver that uses database native protocol.

Note also a type called an internal JDBC driver - a driver embedded with JRE in Java-enabled SQL databases. It is used for Java stored procedures. This does not fit into the classification scheme above, although it would likely resemble either a type 2 or type 4 driver (depending on whether the database itself is implemented in Java or not). An example of this is the KPRB (Kernel Program Bundled) driver[10]supplied with Oracle RDBMS. 'jdbc:default:connection' offers a relatively standard way of making such a connection (at least the Oracle database and Apache Derby support it). However, in the case of an internal JDBC driver, the JDBC client actually runs as part of the database being accessed, and so can access data directly rather than through network protocols.


  • Oracle provides a list of some JDBC drivers and vendors
  • Simba Technologies ships an SDK for building custom JDBC Drivers for any custom/proprietary relational data source
  • CData Software ships type 4 JDBC Drivers for various applications, databases, and Web APIs.[11]
  • RSSBus Type 4 JDBC Drivers for applications, databases, and web services[12]
  • DataDirect Technologies provides a comprehensive suite of fast Type 4 JDBC drivers for all major database they advertise as Type 5[13]
  • IDS Software provides a Type 3 JDBC driver for concurrent access to all major databases. Supported features include resultset caching, SSL encryption, custom data source, dbShield
  • JDBaccess is a Java persistence library for MySQL and Oracle which defines major database access operations in an easy usable API above JDBC
  • JNetDirect provides a suite of fully Sun J2EE certified high-performance JDBC drivers.
  • JDBCR4 is a service program written by Scott Klement to allow access to JDBC from RPG on the IBM i.[14]
  • HSQLDB is a RDBMS with a JDBC driver and is available under a BSD license.
  • SchemaCrawler[15] is an open source API that leverages JDBC, and makes database metadata available as plain old Java objects (POJOs)

See also[edit]

  • GNU Data Access (GDA)
  • Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)


  1. ^Template:Cite web wrong
  2. ^JDBC API Specification Version: 4.0.
  3. ^'The Java Community Process(SM) Program - communityprocess - mrel'. jcp.org. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  4. ^'JDBC 4.1'. docs.oracle.com. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  5. ^'The Java Community Process(SM) Program - communityprocess - mrel'. jcp.org. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  6. ^'JDBC 4.2'. docs.oracle.com. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  7. ^'The Java Community Process(SM) Program - communityprocess - mrel'. jcp.org. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  8. ^'java.sql (Java SE 9 & JDK 9 )'. docs.oracle.com. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  9. ^'Java JDBC API'. docs.oracle.com. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  10. ^Greenwald, Rick; Stackowiak, Robert; Stern, Jonathan (1999). Oracle Essentials: Oracle Database 10g. Essentials Series (3 ed.). Sebastopol, California: O'Reilly Media, Inc. (published 2004). p. 318. ISBN9780596005856. Retrieved 2016-11-03. The in-database JDBC driver (JDBC KPRB)[:] Java code uses the JDBC KPRB (Kernel Program Bundled) version to access SQL on the same server.
  11. ^'JDBC Drivers - CData Software'. CData Software. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  12. ^'JDBC Drivers - CData Software'. CData Software. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  13. ^'New Type 5 JDBC Driver — DataDirect Connect'.
  14. ^'Access External Databases from RPG with JDBCR4 Meat of the Matter'. 28 June 2012. Retrieved 12 April 2016.
  15. ^Sualeh Fatehi. 'SchemaCrawler'. SourceForge.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to JDBC.
Wikibooks has a book on the topic of: Java Programming/Database Programming
  • JDBC API Guide This documentation has examples where the JDBC resources are not closed appropriately (swallowing primary exceptions and being able to cause NullPointerExceptions) and has code prone to SQL injection[citation needed]
  • java.sql API Javadoc documentation
  • javax.sql API Javadoc documentation
  • O/R Broker Scala JDBC framework
  • SqlTool Open source, command-line, generic JDBC client utility. Works with any JDBC-supporting database.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Java_Database_Connectivity&oldid=913100037'

Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server supports the use of JDBC basic and advanced data types within a Java application that uses SQL Server as its database.


The JDBC type system mediates the conversion between SQL Server data types and Java language types and objects. The JDBC types are modeled on the SQL-92 and SQL-99 types. The JDBC driver adheres to the JDBC specification and is designed to provide the right balance between predictability and flexibility.

The topics in this section describe how to use the basic and advanced data types, and how data types can be converted into other data types.

In this section

Using basic data typesDescribes the JDBC basic data types. Includes examples of how to work with the data types by using result sets, parameterized queries, and stored procedures.
Configuring how java.sql.Time values are sent to the serverDescribes how the JDBC Driver generates dates.
Using advanced data typesDescribes the JDBC advanced data types.
Understanding data type differencesDescribes differences between the various JDBC driver data types.
Understanding data type conversionsDescribes how data type conversion is handled when using getter and setter methods.
National character set supportDescribes the support for the national character set types.
Supporting XML dataDescribes the SQLXML interface. Also describes how to read and write an XML data from and to the relational database with the SQLXML Java data type.
Wrappers and interfacesDiscusses the interfaces that have the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server specific methods and constants that allow an application server to create a proxy of the class, Also discusses supports for the java.sql.Wrapper interface.

See also
